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From Wednesday, November 11, 2020 until January 31, 2021

VANDALS! Chilean feminist street graphics
Virtual exhibition

Curaduría: Mariela González Casanova.

Artistas participantes: Neftalí Garrido, Brigada Laura Rodig 8m, Lolo Góngora, Brigada Propaganda Feminista, Paloma Rodríguez y Colectiva Ser & Gráfica.


Curator: Mariela González Casanova.

Participating artists: Neftalí GarridoBrigade Laura Rodig 8mLolo GongoraFeminist Propaganda BrigadePaloma Rodriguez and Collective Ser & Gráfica.


A virtual exhibition that aims to present the urban political and creative explosion of women and feminist dissidents in social street protests in Chile, whose expressive and graphic language has drawn on the silkscreen technique for printing posters, and the paste up technique for composing images and texts that are painted or printed on paper to be pasted on walls and/or structures.


In May 2018, the feminist movement in Chile led mobilizations across the country to denounce the inequality experienced by women, criticize sexist education and increase the visibility of gender violence, which included sexual harassment and abuse in academic spaces and elsewhere.

This wave of demonstrations, dubbed the “Chilean feminist revolution,” revealed the capacity for self-organization and collective expression that the movement had been developing.


In October 2019, following the most significant social uprising in the recent history of the country, women and feminist dissidents, organized collectively or individually, played a fundamental role: they put their bodies, artistic expression and their political protest on the streets, and especially on the walls, in the midst of a society in turmoil that, even during a pandemic, demands a dignified way of life.


Since then, artists and collectives have activated street protest and denunciation, expressing social and political struggles on the walls, and feminist demands during the current constitutional process, which aims to abolish the current Constitution inherited from the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1989), and establish the inalienable principles of the feminist agenda.


Mariela González Casanova


Download the virtual catalog in PDF








No necesito a un príncipe azul, Brigada Laura Rodig 8M, acuarela sobre papel, Santiago de Chile, diciembre de 2019.



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